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EDTUNITY wants to help you focus on your future. Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you to answer all of your questions and tell you more about what we offer.

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Office Address

852 Tidewater Dr.
Suite D
Norfolk, VA 23504

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers

Have a look at our most frequently asked questions.

Is EDTUNITY right for me?

EDTUNITY is right for anyone who has a high school diploma or GED, with a strong desire to impact the world, one community at a time. If you want to receive quality education and training, in a condensed amount of time while still remaining competitive among your peers, EDTUNITY is for you. We take pride in assisting high school graduates, veterans, and service members seamlessly transition into the infrastructure industry.

How do I pay for courses at EDTUNITY?

Compared to any 2 or 4-year institutions, EDTUNITY offers high-quality education and training that lead to meaningful jobs, at a fraction of the cost. We can provide referrals to financial service organizations who can immediately assist you with determining the best finance options for you.

Will my certification(s) be recognized anywhere in the U.S.?

Our courses are backed by recognized national or state certification agencies and will be recognized anywhere in the U.S.